Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre to Participate in Kuwait International Book Fair 2023

The Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre (ALC) is taking part in the 46th Kuwait International Book Fair, organised by the National Council for Culture, Arts, and Literature (NCCAL) in Kuwait from 22 November to 2 December 2023 at the Kuwait International Fairground.


With its participation at the fair, the Centre aims to strengthen means of communication and interaction with prominent pioneers and stakeholders in the book and book-focused exhibitions industry. The event also allows the ALC to expand its reach to the largest possible audience across the Gulf and Arab regions, where taking part in various exhibitions offers the Centre a platform to promote and sell its various publications.


Kuwait International Book Fair is one of the most prominent Arab exhibitions, consistently bringing in sizeable attendance from the Kuwaiti public. It offers an ideal opportunity to introduce the Centre’s cultural initiatives, shed light on the progress made to its existing projects, and highlight its efforts to support cultural initiatives in the Arab region and chart a roadmap for the regional and international cultural scenes.


The Kuwait International Book Fair 2023 will provide a platform for authors, publishers, and readers to converge, facilitating knowledge-sharing and creative exchange. The fair presents more than 350,000 titles and includes seminars, lectures, and poetry evenings as part of its cultural agenda, in addition to hosting intellectuals, authors, experts, and publishers to discuss innovative ideas for the development of the sector.
