The Application’s Terms and Conditions
1. This prize recognises innovative, unpublished short story collections ( required a minimum of ten short stories) that make a noteworthy contribution to this art.
2. The nominated story shall not be submitted for another prize during the same year, whether by the candidate or on their behalf.
3. The prize will not be granted to a story that was awarded an Arab or other prize.
4. Stories written in Arabic are accepted.
5. The prize panel may publish the applicants’ stories, at its discretion, in light of the available capabilities.
6. Stories shall be eligible for re-application provided they meet the prize’s terms and conditions, and a new application is filed.
7. The prize winner may apply again five years after winning.
Final Requirements
1. The Higher Committee shall be entitled to withhold or withdraw the prize or any of its categories upon award, at its discretion, and take the relevant measures accordingly.
2. The decisions of the Higher Committee are final and irrevocable. They may not be contested by any candidate.