Unveiling its 32nd edition, Abu Dhabi International Book Fair Hosts Rare Arabic and Global Manuscripts

The 32nd edition of the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair, running until May 28th, is showcasing a remarkable array of rare historical manuscripts and significant maps. These pieces span various eras, from the thirteenth to the twentieth centuries, and are presented by top international publishers. Visitors have a unique opportunity to delve into the histories of both Arabic and global literature, science, and arts. This collection of scientific, artistic, and literary works provides the audience with a broader understanding of the cultural and historical essence of not only the Arab nation but also various civilisations in the past.

Notably, one such rare artefact that visitors can peruse is the "Saint Petersburg Manuscript" of the Holy Quran. This version draws its name from its place of origin, the Academy of Sciences Press in Saint Petersburg. In an act of religious tolerance, it was printed under the orders of Russian Empress Catherine the Second in 1787, and freely distributed among the "Kyrghyz" community.


Among other precious exhibits is "A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land", penned by Bernhard von Breydenbach in 1486 and artistically enriched with illustrations by the Dutch artist Erhard Reuwich. The book is recognized as the world's first travel guide and is also the first printed book to incorporate Arabic script. It features a fascinating journey of Beirut, Jerusalem, Cairo, and several other ports and cities that the authors visited en route from Venice to the Holy Land.


In addition to the original "Hunter's Map", the most ancient map of the Arabian Peninsula and the Gulf region, ADIBF features the 13th-century book "History of Al-Mustabsir" by Arab historian Ibn Al-Mujawir. This historical record offers insights into the Arabian Peninsula's social, economic, and cultural norms during that era through various maps, charts, and illustrations.


Also on display is Al-Majusi's 1582 work, "Complete Art of Medicine", a unique medical guide from the golden age of Islamic science providing detailed surgical instructions. Visitors can also explore the beautiful "Celestial Atlas", a gem from the golden age of cartography, the first Arabic edition of "One Thousand and One Nights", and a 13th-century parchment-printed gospel.


ADIBF’s dedication to showcasing these rare manuscripts underscores its commitment to allowing its visitors an easy and intimate encounter with the world's ancient knowledge, literature, and heritage. This also serves to deepen visitors' appreciation for the rich history and cultural distinctiveness of the region in bygone eras.
