The Abu Dhabi International Book Fair 2023 offers a rich professional programme with a plethora of exciting events

The professional programme of the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair this year is packed with numerous events that enhance the advancement of the publishing industry and support those interested in it. It provides all that is needed for the industry, including skill development and discussions on its current state and future aspirations. It offers a professional and contemporary platform for professional networking, partnerships, exchange, and joint publishing. This is in line with the strategic vision of the UAE and the vision of the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair to achieve its leading role in the global publishing arena, based on global professional concepts that embrace sustainability, professionalism, and empowerment.


The professional programme includes more than 20 events organised into 5 main axes that address the professional needs of Arab publishers and emphasise the significant presence of international publishers. These axes include translation, marketing, creative content, digital publishing, and partnerships. Each axis is discussed by a selection of experts and professionals in a series of events that delve into the details of each axis, providing insights into current realities and future aspirations, while establishing professionalism with international standards and future perspectives. Additionally, there are sessions within each axis that consider the technical aspects of publishing as an industry and aim for sustainability as a goal, featuring practitioners, visionaries, and successful experiences.


The professional programme of the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair this year provides a daily forum for publishers, specialists, and industry experts and facilitates the search for new collaborative projects among publishers, providing opportunities for the exchange of publishing, translation, and digital and audio transformation rights.


The programme distinguishes itself by offering an Arab platform that meets the aspirations and needs of Arab publishers, while also incorporating an international presence that adds a new dimension to Arab publishing. It opens doors for partnerships and opportunities to explore industry developments and technologies. The programme focuses on achieving the concept of sustainability through foundational sessions that serve as a new starting point for Arab publishing professionals. Alongside the international presence, it creates a stimulating environment for local publishing professionals to share their experiences and exchange knowledge with regional and international participants.


The Emirati presence in this programme is notable and diverse, enriched by the significant number of Emiratis working in the publishing industry and those interested in it. Local publishers such as "Dar Al-Thaqafa," "Dar Al-Hudhud," "Dar Al-Muheet," "Al-Folk," "Dar Sedra," "Dar Kiwi," "Dar Al-Burj," "Dar Noor," "Dar Ghaf," "Smart Mind Publishing," and "Comics Publishing" contribute to the programme with their unique presence.


The programme boasts a distinguished presence of institutional figures starting with officials from the International Publishers Association, encompassing international and Arab entities, organisations, and institutions, and culminating with the younger generation of publishers and emerging talents. The programme expands its horizons towards the future of the industry by exploring the developments in digital publishing, digital marketing mechanisms, and the relationship between digital and print through content and promotion, side by side.


To fulfil its mission of fostering creative talents, providing an incubator for their development, and offering professional learning opportunities for young creators, the professional programme of the Book Fair includes sessions and workshops in the fields of creative and technical writing. The aim is to highlight successful experiences and provide professional support for beginners.


The programme also includes professional aspects related to the Republic of Türkiye, which is the Guest of Honour of this year's edition. It celebrates successful Turkish publishing experiences through professional seminars for Turkish publishers and provides a platform for Turkish publishers and specialists to collaborate and engage in mutual learning with Arab and foreign publishers. This programme attracts a significant number of Turkish participants interested in the cultural industry, seeking to sign a considerable number of agreements related to copyright and publishing rights and aiming to secure a larger share of the international market. They will present several sessions on the Turkish book market, where books are read in the Turkish language, and discuss international copyright, translation, and publishing rights.


The programme also witnesses the same level of interest from participating publishers from the People's Republic of China, which has the largest participation in the Fair this year after the Frankfurt Book Fair. There are 50 Chinese government publishing houses participating, with 20 of them attending in person, while the rest participate through agencies. Some Chinese publishing houses are directly participating as well. Notable participants include the Beijing International Book Fair, Shanghai International Children's Book Fair, China National Publications Import and Export Group Corp, Beijing Language and Culture University, and Jelly Books for Children.


The professional programme of the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair serves as a strong supporter of the advancement of the publishing industry and its enthusiasts. It provides everything needed for skill development and knowledge exchange. The programme focusses on achieving real and tangible collaboration among participating publishers from around the world through meetings for rights and translation exchange. It aims to establish the role of Arab book fairs as supportive platforms for publishing rights trade and enriching Arabic content with new offerings. The goal is for the Fair to become a centre for exporting Arabic content, allowing the world to see and explore its latest developments.
