Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre Concludes its Participation in HSE University’s International Partners’ Week in Moscow

The Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre (ALC) has concluded its participation in the International Partners’ Week, which was organised by HSE University in Moscow, Russia from 24 to 29 September 2023.


The International Partners’ Week provided a platform for participants to share the latest innovations and best practices in the field of international education, offering a packed agenda of events and sessions that discussed a range of key topics in the sector, including: mechanisms for establishing an integrated educational system and ways for universities and academic institutions to communicate; international cooperation and digitisation in education; internationalisation of higher education and relevant best practices; pre-university education; and universities and sustainable development goals, among other topics.


Through its participation, the Centre aimed to promote the Arabic language and Abu Dhabi’s status as a capital of culture to the widest possible audience. At the same time, the ALC sought to deepen relationships within the global academic community, exploring opportunities for collaboration and enhancing cultural exchange.


During the event, the ALC showcased the grants it offers across creative fields, such as the Sheikh Zayed Book Award’s ‘Translation Grant’, which promotes Arabic literature worldwide by translating award-winning literary works, children’s literature, and shortlisted titles from the award into many languages.


The Abu Dhabi International Book Fair’s ‘Spotlight on Rights’ programme offers grants to support translation efforts from Arabic into other languages and vice versa, as well as to drive the digitisation and audio recording of printed books by offering monetary grants to Arab and international publishers.


The Centre’s ‘Research Grants Programme’ enhances scientific research in Arabic by offering grants to researchers focusing on the Arabic language, under the supervision of the Arabic Language Education and Research Department.
