Kalima Events
Kalima Reading Club

Kalima Reading Club

Kalima project for translation launched Kalima Reading Club in 2018, with the aim of encouraging reading and making it a habit in the society, and supporting reading in Arabic language, as well as highlighting the latest publications of the Department of Culture and Tourism - Abu Dhabi.


Kalima Reading Club organises cultural sessions to discuss books published by Kalima and Esdarat projects at local, Arab, and international book fairs in collaboration with government and academic establishments. Kalima Reading Club also organises cultural events at international book fairs and book signing events for Emirati and Arab writers

Translation Conference International Abu Dhabi

Translation Conference International Abu Dhabi

In 2012, Kalima launched Abu Dhabi International Translation Conference on the sideline of Abu Dhabi International Book Fair. The Conference seeks to study the actual status of the translation movement from and into Arabic and to figure out strategies that would develop this field. It also seeks to enhance the skills of translators through workshops that offer practical solutions to the challenges faced by translators when transforming texts from and into Arabic.

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Cultural Retreats Cultural Retreats

Cultural Retreats

The Abu Dhabi Language Centre, part of the Department of Culture and Tourism - Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi), organizes cultural retreats to highlight the Abu Dhabi Language Centre's experience, programs, and projects launched to promote the Arabic language and open the horizons of discussion and dialogue to contribute to the development of future work mechanisms that are in line with Abu Dhabi Language Centre's aspirations and objectives.
